С начала наводнений во Франции погибли 4 человека, еще 24 получили ранения. Об этом сегодня, 4 июня 2016 года, заявил премьер-министр Франции Мануэль Валльс, сообщает Le Figaro, передает РБК-Украина.
Он также отметил, что возвращение к нормальной жизни после наводнения во Франции займет несколько дней.
Согласно подсчетам страховщиков, на ликвидацию последствий наводнения власти страны потратят не менее 600 млн евро.
Париж уходит под воду: Мона Лиза эвакуирована, Лувр закрыт. Говорящие фото опубликованы News.liga.net cо ссылкой на France 24.
epa05342610 A general view over Seine river floodwaters with Notre Dame cathedral in the background following heavy rainfalls in Paris, France, 02 June 2016. EPA/JEREMY LEMPINepaselect epa05344340 People watch the flood water levels of Seine river from Pont de l’Alma bridge with the partially submerged statue ‘Le Zouave’ in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/JEREMY LEMPINepa05344504 Road traffic signs are submerged along the Seine river in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/IAN LANGSDONepa05344496 People watch the Louvre museum from a submerged dock on the left bank of the Seine river in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSONepa05344500 A duck perches on a ramp submerged by floodwaters along the Seine river in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/IAN LANGSDONepa05344502 A general view of submerged trees on Ile de la Cite, on the Seine river in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/IAN LANGSDON
epa05344341 People watch the flood water levels of Seine river from Pont de l’Alma bridge with the partially submerged statue ‘Le Zouave’ in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/JEREMY LEMPINepa05344091 The Solferino bridge is partially submerged by the flooding of the Seine river in Paris, France, 03 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/JEREMY LEMPINepa05342816 A general view of the Seine river shows a partially submerged restaurant boat in Paris, France, 02 June 2016. Floods and heavy rain drenched about a quarter of the French territory over several days. EPA/YOAN VALATepa05342638 A general view over Seine river floodwaters with Notre Dame cathedral in the background following heavy rainfalls in Paris, France, 02 June 2016. EPA/JEREMY LEMPIN