В одном из крупнейших мегаполисов Японии – городе Фукуока на острове Кюсю ранним утром 8 ноября образовалась гигантская воронка шириной около 30 метров и глубиной около 15 метров.
Как сообщает ВВС, обвал начался с двух небольших отверстий, которые расширялись, пока не образовали огромную яму. В результате в районе аварии нарушено транспортное сообщение, отключена канализация и газопровод, прекращена подача электричества. Пострадавших нет.
По информации местных властей, провал грунта может быть следствием работ по строительству новой станции метрополитена.
epa05621790 A large sinkhole cuts off an avenue in central Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, 08 November 2016. According to local media reports, the sinkhole has caused blackouts and disrupted traffic. Authorities have evacuated surrounding buildings in case of further damage. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. EPA/HIROSHI YAMAMURA
epa05621789 A large sinkhole cuts off an avenue in central Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, 08 November 2016. According to local media reports, the sinkhole has caused blackouts and disrupted traffic. Authorities have evacuated surrounding buildings in case of further damage. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. EPA/HIROSHI YAMAMURAepa05621788 Police and fire brigade vehicles block access to a large sinkhole on a road in central Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, 08 November 2016. No injuries are reported so far by local medias as the sinkhole is causing blackouts and disrupting traffic. Authorities have evacuated surrounding buildings in fear of further damage. EPA/HIROSHI YAMAMURAepaselect epa05621729 A large sinkhole cuts off an avenue in central Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, 08 November 2016. According to local media reports, the sinkhole has caused blackouts and disrupted traffic. Authorities have evacuated surrounding buildings in case of further damage. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. EPA/HIROSHI YAMAMURAepa05621785 A large sinkhole cuts off an avenue in central Fukuoka, southwestern Japan, 08 November 2016. According to local media reports, the sinkhole has caused blackouts and disrupted traffic. Authorities have evacuated surrounding buildings in case of further damage. There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries. EPA/HIROSHI YAMAMURA